Finally the day came when I visited this botanical garden. I had been wishing to get there someday and once we went to see our relatives near Turku I saw the change to go there. Only the tropicalpart of the garden was available costing 6€ for an adult and for a student (as I am) 4€.
There were some carnivores like a big N. 'Miranda' on the lop of the lily pond. Also one temperate plant bog was taking place in one of the rooms but it jusdt game me "Nah" feeling. Sarrs were tired looking and sphagnum was all over the place and so did the algae. All in all very fine looking place with divided themes in each of the greenhouses (there were 5 in total(?)). Can't wait to get there in summer! :)
Oltiin sukuloimassa uuden vuoden ekoina päivinä ja vihdoin ja viimein nokka käänty itse Turkua kohti ja pääkohteena Turun yliopiston kasvitieteellinen puutarha! :') Oon monta vuotta kinunnut päästä sinne mutta Turku ei ollut minään kohteena ennen viime vuonna tapahtuneita asioita..

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