Our old ac unit died last week and because the weather started to warm up at that time it was the time to buy a new one! Phil told that the old unit was over 3o years old!! Really we hit first 90s without a proper unit in downstarts. Rich and I have both unit in our rooms in upstairs but well warm air tends to rise up so our units couldn't have replaced the loss. We also repotted the last seedlings and I worked with cephs while boys made the new ac unit work :-)
Later the day around 6:30pm Tyson and I drove to Washington D.C as our plan was to stay over a couple of night with our super cool and nice cp friend Konrad!
Meijän ilmastointilaite alakerrassa lakkasi toimimasta viime viikolla. Juuri sinä viikolla lämmöt alko nousta yuli 90F/32C. Kuulemma vanha pömpöli oli yli 30 vuotta vanha! Ihan oikeasti, tehdäänkö nykyaikana isoja sähkölaitteita jotka vois toimia yhtä kauan? Ihmettelen vaan... Niin se uusi yksikkö vaan iskettiin keitiön ikkunan väliin ja sillä se. Hintaa neljäsataa dollaria.

Having your air go out really stinks! That happened to us last summer and it was completely miserable! Luckily we had some friends that let us borrow an AC unit until ours got fixed! That's great you got to visit your friends while it was repaired. I hope you all stay cool!